Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sis in Town

My sis came back to Malaysia for a visit during the first 2 weeks of January with her son, Tyler. He's such a love and both Kim and I was totally besotted with him at the first sight .. :). So much so, that I took so many pictures of my nephew and none of my sis.. :) . Hehe.

Here's some photos that I took of my lil' nephew:

And here's a photo of Kim and I with Tyler.. :)

Cellphone.. cellphone.. where are you... :(

I lost my cellphone!
Not a very new phone, but unfortunately it an amazing one that I have lots of fond memories of, especially with the all the photos that I had taken with it and also because I had taken such good care of the phone (not an easy feat to keep it scratchless after 2 yrs of usage!) ... :*(

Whoever stole the phone, I hope he suffers 3 years of constipation!!! #$%&

Anyway, this was how my phone used to look like **sniff**sniff**
Anyway, after I found out my phone was lost, attempted to contact Maxis to check if I could do a trace my phone or even the numbers dialled. Unfortunately the service was quite disappointing. I insisted that I would not want to suspend my line as my phone was still contactable, however, after 10 minutes, I found that my line was still suspended after all!

However, the sim card replacement was pretty efficient though. I got my replacement after 5 minutes of lining up at the Maxis centre. I guess the next hurdle is to get a new phone.. :(

Monday, January 28, 2008

Funniest American Idol Ever!

Happened to watched American Idol Season 7 one day, and stumbled across the funniest american idol performance ever - We Are Brothers Forever by the BirdMan! Here's the link to youtube for entertainment sake - Enjoy! ..:) ..